Child Support

Norman Child Support Lawyer

Understanding How Child Support Works in Oklahoma

To calculate child support in the state of Oklahoma, gross monthly family income needs to be determined first. Gross monthly family income is each parent’s adjusted gross income added together. The factors that impact child support consist of this number along with the number of children in the household.

Once this has been determined, the courts rely on this along with the basic child support guideline to establish a child support payment amount.

The child support lawyer in Norman from Redhawk Law make it our goal to exceed your expectations and resolve your case as efficiently as possible. We understand that calculating child support can be a complicated and intimidating process, which is why we are here to offer you advice and guidance every step of the way.

Do you need a child support attorney in Norman? Call (405) 266-5072 or contact us online today!

How Is Child Support Calculated in OK?

Oklahoma’s statewide formula, also known as a guideline calculation, helps the court figure out the amount of child support to award in a case.

In Oklahoma, the guidelines calculate child support based on some of the following factors:

  • Each parent’s income
  • How much additional income each parent receives
  • How many children the parents have together
  • The amount of time each parent spends with the child(ren)
  • The amount of child support each parent pays for children from other relationships
  • Healthcare, educational care, and daycare expenses

Steps to Calculate Gross Income for Child Support

Gross income looks different depending on what you do for work. Here are some ways gross income can be calculated:

  • Adding up the actual monthly income or income equal to a 40-hour work week
  • Determining your average monthly income while employed during the last 3 years
  • Looking at the minimum wage paid for a 40-hour work week
  • Figuring out what the monthly income would be for an individual with comparable education and work experience
  • For individuals who are self-employed, gross income is defined as "gross receipts minus ordinary and necessary expenses required for self-employment or business operations"

How Long Does Child Support Last in Oklahoma?

Child support continues until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever comes first. Divorced parents may have the option to continue child support into college if they wish. Oklahoma law does not grant this power unless the child is physically or mentally disabled.

Enforcement of Child Support Orders in Oklahoma

All court-ordered child support must be followed and paid in full. If back child support is owed, then you may be able to petition the court to enforce child support via a contempt order. This will require the paying parent to pay what is owed or else face ramifications.

Modifying Child Support Orders

Life circumstances can change, and sometimes the terms of a child support order may need to be modified to better reflect the current situation. Whether you are seeking to increase or decrease the amount of child support, our experienced Norman child support lawyers can assist you in navigating the legal process of modifying child support orders in Oklahoma.

Reasons for modifying child support orders may include:

  • Change in income for either parent
  • Change in the child's needs or expenses
  • Change in custody arrangements
  • Job loss or change in employment status
  • Healthcare needs of the child

Our team at Redhawk Law can help you gather the necessary documentation, file the appropriate paperwork, and represent your interests in court to seek a modification of child support that is fair and reasonable for all parties involved.

The Importance of Child Support for Children in Oklahoma

Child support is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being and financial stability of children in divorce or separation cases. It is a legal obligation that both parents have towards their children, regardless of their relationship status. At Redhawk Law, our experienced Norman child support lawyers understand the significance of child support and are here to guide you through the process.

Benefits of child support include:

  • Financial support for the child's basic needs, including food, clothing, and shelter
  • Access to healthcare and medical expenses
  • Education expenses, including school fees, books, and supplies
  • Support for extracurricular activities, such as sports or music lessons
  • Ensuring a stable and consistent lifestyle for the child

Our dedicated team will work closely with you to calculate child support based on Oklahoma's guidelines and your specific circumstances. We will consider factors such as income, custody arrangements, and any special needs of the child to ensure a fair and reasonable support amount.

If you are facing difficulties in receiving child support or need assistance with modifying an existing child support order, our skilled attorneys can help you navigate the legal process and protect the best interests of your child. Contact our Norman child support lawyer today to schedule a consultation.

Do you need a Norman child support attorney? Call (405) 266-5072 or contact us online today!

Local Resources & Guidance for Child Support in Norman, OK

Living in Norman, Oklahoma, you have access to a variety of local resources and government entities that can assist with child support matters. The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) offers comprehensive services to help parents understand and manage their child support obligations. Additionally, the City of Norman provides community resources that can be invaluable during this process.

Personalized Legal Services for Clients

One common pain point for many parents in Norman is navigating the complexities of child support calculations and modifications. With the local economy and job market fluctuations, many parents find themselves needing to adjust their child support orders. Whether it's due to a change in employment status, a shift in custody arrangements, or increased healthcare needs for the child, these changes can be stressful and challenging to manage alone.

At Redhawk Law, we understand the unique challenges faced by families in Norman. Our team is well-versed in the local legal landscape and is committed to providing personalized support tailored to your specific situation. We can help you gather the necessary documentation, file the appropriate paperwork, and represent your interests in court to seek a fair and reasonable modification of child support.

Moreover, we recognize the importance of ensuring that child support payments are made consistently and on time. If you are struggling to receive the child support owed to you, we can assist in enforcing court orders through legal channels available in Oklahoma. Our goal is to alleviate the burden on you and ensure that your child's needs are met.

For residents of Norman, having a reliable and knowledgeable child support attorney can make all the difference. Contact Redhawk Law today to schedule a consultation and let us help you navigate the complexities of child support in Norman, Oklahoma.

What Happens if You Don't Pay Child Support in Oklahoma?

Child support is ordered by the court, which means that, by not paying child support, you may be held in contempt of court. Failure to pay child support in Oklahoma can lead to enforcement through wage garnishment or other means of collecting back child support. Other ramifications include fines and the potential loss of your driver’s license.

If you are unable to make your child support payments due to loss of a job or another significant change in your circumstances, then speak with a Norman child support attorney immediately to see if you qualify to have your support order modified.

Child Support Modifications

Using its discretion, the court may modify a child support order if there has been a material change in circumstances. This is defined as: A change in income for either spouse or a change in the child(ren)’s needs.

To modify an existing order, you will need a judge to recalculate your order and issue a new one. If you have any questions and/or concerns about how this process works, it is best to speak with an experienced lawyer for support.

Contact Our Norman Child Support Lawyer Today

Get in touch with us online today or call us at (405) 266-5072 to book an initial consultation.

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