When Should I Consider Pursuing a Divorce?

woman holding engagement ring

No one goes into a marriage thinking that it will end in divorce. However, sometimes marriages become unhealthy, and people feel like they have no other choice but to pursue a divorce. This can be an incredibly difficult decision to make, and it is important to be prepared for the process. In this blog, our divorce attorneys at Redhawk Law explore the common reasons why people pursue divorces and discuss marriage breakdowns.

Your Marriage Is No Longer a Healthy Relationship

One common reason why people pursue divorce is that their marriage is no longer a healthy relationship. This can be due to many different factors, such as infidelity, financial problems, or even just the fact that you and your spouse have grown apart over time. If you are in a toxic marriage, it is important to seek counseling or therapy before making the decision to divorce.

You and Your Spouse Have Grown Apart

Another common reason for divorce is that you and your spouse have simply grown apart over time. This is often because couples change and grow as individuals and may no longer have the same interests or goals. Over time, you and your spouse may no longer see each other as romantic partners but instead as roommates, signaling that you are no longer compatible as partners.

If you and your spouse no longer wish to remain married, you can pursue a divorce together, which often leads to an amicable parting. You can work together to decide the terms of your divorce and create agreements regarding assets, custody, and other major issues.

Your Spouse Has Been Unfaithful

Infidelity is one of the most common reasons why people divorce. If your spouse has been unfaithful, it can be incredibly difficult to trust them again. This can often lead to communication problems and a lack of intimacy in the relationship. If you are considering divorce because your spouse has been unfaithful, it is important to discuss this with a therapist or counselor to see if there is anything that can be done to improve the relationship. However, if you believe you cannot trust your spouse again, you might not be able to fight for your continued marriage.

You Cannot Trust Your Spouse

If you cannot trust your spouse, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy relationship. This is often since trust is an important part of any relationship. If you are considering divorce because you cannot trust your spouse, it is important to take the time to consider if you will ever be able to trust your spouse again. If you find that you cannot trust your spouse, a skilled divorce attorney can help you move forward and take the first step in dissolving your marriage.

Your Spouse Is Abusive

If your spouse is abusive, it is important to seek help from a local domestic violence shelter or the police. Abuse is never acceptable, and you should not feel like you must stay in an abusive relationship. If you are considering divorce because your spouse is abusive, it is important to discuss this with a lawyer to learn more about your options and if you can file domestic violence charges. They can also help you create a plan for protecting your family and exiting your marriage safely.

You and Your Spouse Have Different Goals

It can be difficult to maintain a healthy relationship if you and your spouse have different goals or priorities. This is often because couples need to be on the same page to make a marriage work, and major decisions must generally be agreed upon. If you learned after marriage that your spouse does not want children, and it is a dealbreaker for you, you might not wish to remain in your marriage.

If you are considering divorce because you and your spouse have different goals, it is important to discuss this with a therapist or counselor to see if there is anything that can be done to improve the relationship. You may learn that you and your spouse can resolve your differences or that a split would be best for you.

You Are Unhappy

If you are unhappy in your marriage, it is important to discuss this with your spouse. divorce should not be something that you pursue simply because you are unhappy. However, if you have tried to improve the relationship and you are still unhappy, it is important to discuss this with a therapist or counselor to see if divorce is the right decision for you.

Helping Families Navigate Legal Matters

No matter your reason for considering divorce, it is important to seek counseling or therapy before making any decisions. Divorce can be an incredibly difficult decision, and it is important to ensure that you make the right choice for yourself. If you are considering divorce, contact a Redhawk Law divorce lawyer to discuss your options. We can help you understand how the divorce process works and if it would be right for your situation.

Schedule a free consultation with our divorce attorneys today by calling (405) 266-5072. We are waiting for your call!

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